Why Indian media do so much debates

Why Indians like debate so much?? If you follow Indian media you might know that todays news channels are just showing debates all the time . A question which arrises in my mind that who are watching these long useless debates?If not why are telecasting it all the time ?and if there are being watched is there anything related to old vedic culture ? I search and found that the practice of debates between scholars in front public was a big part of are history .These were famous like nowadays cricket matches. In history, important questions and controversial philosophical and religious doctrines were debated in public discussions . The debates were on Shartra. Those who think shastra are only religious scriptures of hinduism they are wrong Shastras are more than religious books there is an astha shastra which means the art of material gain and many more these types of debates help people gain information and more sensible. But nowadays when i see debates on news channels ...