Unusable Robots produced by Indian Education System
How Indian education System is only creating robots ?
Today when we are celebrating 75 years of Independence of India, Do you know our minds are even now controlled by the Old British education system. An education System which focus on what to think rather than how to think. This flawed education System is creating employess who are told the path to move with some rules ,get marks and they call it sucess. And when in thier life when they face anything which do not have a fixed path thier mind frezzes.They know to be an engineer just 4 years of study this and that subject and a degree they are engineers.But when they think of a non convenction carrier path for eg a singer thier study creates a fear in them because these non conventional cariers do not have a specified who knows how many times you have to practice your notes , how many time will it take to get your first song or win a singing competition .so simply they go for specified paths. In my opinion in general practically educated people are more fearless because thier mind can think beyond certian formulea and methods to do a task it.
Even if we talk about the convention paths like engineering (prominent carier option in India).Indian education system has done no good to its students various studies that shows that most graduates are unemployable according to the Industry Standards.
Whereas when we talk of Indian education System or the gurukul education system student were taught about practical skills, traditions , litreature and many more but always with an open space for questions , deabtes prominent part of Hindusim which promoted and designed thinking culture which has faded away from mordern day education system. Now the aim is only to get marks.
Indian society has developed a culture that people where people want to earn alot of money but they feel jealous or say rubbish about those who are earning already. In my opinion if ur jealous of someone u can not learn from him.
Coin always have two sides so is Indian education the competition that Indian students face is very high .So they become strong for many upcoming challenges of life. In my opinion thats the reason that when Indian students go abroad they are more competitive than their counterparts and are able to perform well.
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